The new building for The Centre for Financial Planning Law is situated adjacent to the FARMOVS building on the West campus of the University of the Free State, Bloemfontein.

The building was jointly commissioned by the director of The Centre for Financial Planning Law and the University of the Free State to provide suitable facilities that will cater for the specific needs of the centre. The centre has expanded significantly over the past couple of years and further growth has been envisaged for the years to come. Consequently, a need arose for larger facilities that would accommodate the growth of the centre as well as the requirements that accompany this growth.

The building consists mainly of conference, examination and office facilities with support functions. Since the building is situated in a less developed part of campus, there is no significant context to relate to. The design of the building was approached in such a way that it is more introverted and creates its own context within the confines of the building walls. The building is structured around a foyer spine, from which all the functions can easily be accessed. The office facilities encircle a central courtyard, which becomes a gathering space for staff members where ideas can be exchanged and thus fostering a sense of community. The design was also developed in such a way as to allow for future development on the western side of the building.

The ultimate aim of the design, is to create a facility that would offer a suitable environment for the centre to effectively reach the objectives of its educational programme.



* In conjunction with: Bitzer Design Studio